What is with women and glitter? What is that special something that makes our eyes bigger and brighter in the view of that magic stardust. From a young age, anything shimmering or glittery mesmerises us and automatically makes our heads turn. As we grow up, we learn to tame that instinct, fearing that admitting a love like that will endanger our “good” taste. For years we wait patiently for the day that we will finally unleash the “dazzling monster” and proudly walk side by side… and with fashion’s greatest blessings! Ladies, after the legendary (for their glitter and not only) 70’s, the time has come to boldly wear the once unwearable.
P.S For styling tips, ask your under twelve daughters!

BALENCIAGA (total) Christian Louboutin (sandals) Folli Follie (sunglasses) CHANEL (shoulder bag)
Photographer: George Santamouris